Monday, October 11, 2010

Stormy weather!

Today, about a half an hour ago, I went outside to see the sea.
It's a stormy weather, rained a lot (more to come) and the sea freaked me out. It's like in 2012 movie. The waves were huge, reaching into the streets.
I tried to make some pictures but, I am sorry, you could not see a thing in the pics and was also difficult and quite risky to get near by the sea.

BUT I made some, on my way back home, so you could see me. :P
I had to make a kind of turban with my scarf, because, of the windy weather my hair went crazy.


Hoy, hace media hora, sali de casa para ver el mar.
Afuera es como una tormenta, mucho viento, llovio mucho y el mar me asusto de verdad. Es como en la pelicula 2012. Las ondas eran enormes, alcanzando las calles.
Intenté hacer algunas fotos, pero lo siento, no se veia nada y estaba muy dificil y peligroso alcanzar cerca del mar.

PERO hice algunas, cuando volvi acasa, para que me pueden ver.
Tuve que hacer un turbante con mi bufanda, porque mi pelo iba loco por culpa del viento.

"Pull and Bear" cardigan, "Diesel" leggings, "Miss Sixty" tank,  -I can't remember from where bought- multi colored scarf :), Pink Boots (unbranded)


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